Friday, April 25, 2014

Request Debouncer Pattern

The other day I was brainstorming with a client about a typical issue faced during service restarts in discrete service systems.

Consider a fairly typical architecture as shown below where ancillary services depend on some data generated by a common endpoint in the main Rails app. When the services are restarted, each service instance will send a request to the API server, causing a thundering herd scenario. Even with caching, it would cause equivalent number of the Rails API instances to be blocked serving the same request.

A Request Debouncer will reverse proxy calls to the common endpoint, blocking on all the ancillary service requests until the first call to the Rails API service returns.

Note that this makes sense only for internal GET api endpoints.  There is no support for authorization when using the typical cookie or param based session authentication. However if the auth process can be decoupled from the request, it may be possible to extend this pattern to such scenarios as well.

Possible choice of technology is node.js and simple implementation is shown below as well.


var httpProxy = require('http-proxy'),
connect = require('connect');

var proxy = httpProxy.createServer({target: 'http://localhost:9000'});

    require('./request-debouncer-middleware')(),  // last middleware
    function(req, res) {
        console.log('starting to proxy at %s', new Date());
        try { proxy.web(req, res) }
        catch (err) { res.statusCode = 500; res.end(); console.log('caught err:', err) }
        console.log('ended proxy at %s', new Date());


module.exports = function request_debouncer(cache_time){

    var outstanding = {};
    cache_time =  cache_time || 20 * 1000

    var nullify_promise_after_delay = function(key, delay) { setTimeout(function() { console.log('expiring cache at %s', new Date()); outstanding[key] = null; }, delay); }

    return function debouncer(req, res, next) {
        if (req.method != 'GET') { next() }
        else {
            // TODO - consider protocol and stringified query parameters in the key as well
            var key = req.method + req.url;
            var outstanding_promise = outstanding[key];
            if (outstanding_promise) {
                when(outstanding_promise, function(proxied_res_api_calls, code, headersSent) {
                    // call all the methods that were called on the debounced res
                    // TODO set other headers as well
                    res.statusCode  = code
                    for (var i=0;i < proxied_res_api_calls.length;i++) {
                        var api_call = proxied_res_api_calls[i];
                        res[api_call[0]].apply(res, api_call[1])
                }, function(err) {
                    res.statusCode = 502
                    res.end('Bad Gateway')
            } else {
                // create a promise
                var outstanding_promise = outstanding[key] = defer();

                var api_calls = new Array();

                // all calls that mutate the response are trapped so we can make the same changes to the waiting responses
                var _end = res.end, _write = res.write, _writeHead = res.writeHead, _sendHeader = res.sendHeader;
                res.end = function() { api_calls.push(['end', arguments]); return _end.apply(res, arguments)}
                res.write = function() { api_calls.push(['write', arguments]); return _write.apply(res, arguments)}
                res.writeHead = function() { api_calls.push(['writeHead', arguments]); return _writeHead.apply(res, arguments)}
                res.sendHeader = function() { api_calls.push(['sendHeader', arguments]); return _sendHeader.apply(res, arguments)}

                // resolve the promise when this req is finished
                res.on('finish', function() { outstanding_promise.resolve(api_calls, res.statusCode, res.headersSent); nullify_promise_after_delay(key, cache_time) })
                res.on('close', function() {  outstanding_promise.reject('socket closed before response was sent'); nullify_promise_after_delay(key, 0.1) } )

                // go ahead and proxy the request


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